The above are pictures that are a byproduct of my Christmas gift.
I got a Droid. For those of you unfimiliar with what a Droid
is, it is a smart phone that can do just about anything instantly.
Trust me.
In an effort to load my new phone up with lots of cool apps to
impress my friends, I found an app called Vignette.
Now if your familiar with Android operating systems you know
the majority of apps are free but this one was not. It cost me a few bucks.
But it was well worth it. What this app does is give you a list of old cameras/camera effects, such as SX-70 or Cross Processed, and then you take the picture and it looks like that camera or effect. I was very surprised at the legitimacy of the photos it was producing, I could actually believe that these came out of a film camera. I was very excited when I started using this because I had been thinking for so long that there needed to be a digital camera that shot pictures that automatically had random light leaks and color quirks and things of that nature, and now I have one. And with a 5MP camera phone, the product is not so bad. Totally worth the 150 I had to pay for the phone.