Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Life is Not a Joke.
Oh Man. I just realized I'm center stage, doing a play, in front of the entire world. Some people have front row seats, people in the back are dozing off to sleep. I realize I must put on my best act, try on all my masks, I must keep this crowed entertained. I set the ROOM on FIRE! Wheather or not I mean it literally or un-literally, it's dangerous either way. I begin to get stage fright, they aren't enjoying this bite. I must try something rash! I put on a new mask, they hardly recognize me, hardly. My mannerisms unique, fully petite, slighty meek, but almost geek. I climb on top of a building telling them I will jump. They hoot and they hollar and slap their fins together. I can see they are not buying this, they don't get that this is real, laughing 'til they choke.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I'm now sitting in the warmth of my fathers SUV. Just moments ago I was standing on the side of the road in 40 degree weather. Why? Might you ask. Well I will tell you why, its because of this stupid car I've been putting all my time and money into because I thought it would be cheaper than just selling it and getting a new one that I would still have to put money into. But I'm now realizing nothing is worth this craziness. I hate that car.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I wake up to the shock of the alarm. I hate that alarm. I hit snooze because I know there's a 78% chance that I might fall back asleep again. I slowly sit up...I glance out my window and I see the waking day just as it was at 7:20am. The sun bearly rising forcing out the morning sky gradiant of blue, orange and purple that is intercepted by the still visible cresent moon, and the cold, dead forest of pine reaching out to maybe touch this beautiful moment.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Something I Wrote Awhile Back
Thought Monolouge Of A Man Who Has Just Murdered The Woman He Loves
Love? Really? Love. Love is so unique, from other emotions I mean. It is so cliche, but it can't not be cliche. It is so hard to understand. Contrary to popular belief, love is not universal. You can not love everything, can you? Its not like anger, oh no, anger is universal. You can be mad at anyone or anything, but you can't love everything. Love is very specific, like a code. Love isn't happiness. Its very far from the fact. Happiness is such an empty can be happy about getting a new pair of shoes, but you can never truely love that pair of shoes. I'd say that the only emotion that can compare to love is sadness...your only sad for cetain things...bad things. Are you sad when you find the person you love? Or do you love when you lose this person. Losing some one can teach you things. Good things or bad things, all things are good to learn.
I don't know. I don't know how I feel.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Songs For The Showdown

This is a compilation of songs that I have put together that help tell the story of a western film that has been in the works in my mind for quite some time. The basic story is: The main character is sherif deputy (lets call him John) who lives in a peaceful town in the american old west. When this peaceful town is attacked by a infamous criminal (lets just call him Jedidiah Smith) and his bandits, the sherif is killed and John must hunt down this evil man. On his journey he meets a loner who is a very old man (this character is actually clint eastwood's character of "the man with no name" from The Dollars Trilogy long after the events of The Trilogy). They also meet an outlaw woman who is a well known criminal named Katharine The Bandit. They decide to let her help them find Jed Smith and his men becuase she has ties to the criminal world. They go to were they are told Jed Smith is, but it is a trap. After a long negotiation John and the man with no name are scheduled to be hung by these evil men, and Kath is held by them. After an elaborate escape they must leave Kath, but tell her to meet them at a rendezvous point in the middle of no were. Before Kath can get away from Jed he convinces her to betray the two men for a large some of money, sense she is a criminal she values this money more than her new found friends. So they let Kath go so she can meet up with her friends and trap them, she leads Jed and his men right to them. In a big gun fight all of the bandits are killed and the man with no name is a sort of distraction to Jed so John can kill him but in the process the man with no name is shot and bleeds out after the battle. After the battle John sees that Kath is no where to be found but he does spot one of Jeds bandits fleeing and shoots out his knee cap and takes him prisoner. Over the course of the film John has become emotional with his new friends Kath and the old man. The old man is a good friend, and Kath is his love interest, so when the man with no name dies and Kath is missing he is very angry. So he proceeds to interrogate Jed's bandit and finds out through torture that Kath has betrayed him. In an angry rage he hunts down Kath and finds her in a Saloon in a small town. They then settle things the old fashioned way, a draw. It is all very suspenseful and has lots of starring like the classic westerns Kath eventually quickly draws her guns (She has two silver revolvers with ivory handles) but John is quicker and draws and fires and hits her in top left of her torso. She falls to the ground motionless, and John walks over to her. She is dying quickly and begins to cough, she struggles. Very patheticly she tells John that he was the closest thing to a friend she ever had. He then puts her body, wrapped up, on the back of his horse and travels into the desert and buries her with a wooden cross over the grave. Lastly we see John very slowly riding into the sunset, and the end credits roll over that shot.
I've also put in parenthesis next to each song a sort of description of what part of the movie the song would be playing over. Generally the whole song wouldn't play for example on Time by Pink Floyd just the segment between the clock sound effects and the actually song would play.
But thats pretty much it, hope you enjoy it.