OK, I've decided that every Monday from now to eternity, I am going to write about a great movie. No exceptions. I like movies A LOT, but more than just entertainment, I love to just pick them apart 'til it hurts my head to think. To start this wonderful tradition off, I'm going to begin with the movie that started my movie loving, M Night Shaymalan's SIGGNNNSSSSS
I know what your thinking, "What that dumb alien movie that wasn't scary at all?", but that's probably because you thought it was supposed to be a real scary movie before you saw it. STOP THINKING THAT. For those of you who can't see beyond the surface, I'm now going to give you my impression of this movie.
Signs is split into basically 3 parts...
1. The foreground, a man's journey of redemption and self discovery.
2. The middle ground, the message that M Night is trying to get across is that he believes there are no coincidences.
3. The background, a full scale alien invasion.
...and of course all the flash backs in between that aid, very well, to foreground story and the middle ground. So you see, the movie is not supposed to be about a scary alien invasion, it's a great story about a man who believes God took away his wife and is angry at Him for this, and then he begins to discover how wrong he is about a lot of things; It just so happens that aliens are taking over the world at the time. So maybe you should take a look at this movie again, and watch it as deep story instead of your typical thriller.
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