Imagine yourself fishing in a pond. For two years. The same pond.
Though you never catch anything, you keep casting that line.
Finally one day some one comes up to you and their like,
"hey, this pond has no fish in it..."
That's kind of how I feel right now.
MAD because I've wasted a lot of time trying to catch a fish.
But HAPPY because some one told me, now I don't have waste anymore time here.
It's a weird feeling.
On another note, I made a TODO list. It seems fairly pointless though,
seeing that I will probably forget about it in a few days, but who knows.
1. sell car/get a new car
2. get paper
3. pay for camp
4. think about photo project
5. figure out where I'm going...
6. stop the world from going digital
7. gain weight
8. see a good movie
i bet a huge hurricane will come through and dump a load if fish into the pond :)
and then you'll have millions of fish to cast your line at ;D
<3bytheway, i love that octopusthingie
your art is so great ;D
nice art.
no worries about the fish. i am happy with my smelly one, haha.
gain weight? wow. you sound like my husband.
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