Monday, March 15, 2010

Record Player Restoration

As you can see the original color was this gross brown, so I had to change it. Sadly I did not think to take pictures before I disassembled it.
Electronic parts.
Today decided to be as windy as a hurricane, but not until after I had already started. Yes!
I attempted to change out the old speaker with a much newer, and one of better quality, but unfortunately it had some sort of weird mounting brackets that wouldn't quite fit. I do sort of like the sound of the old speaker anyways.
Finished project. Listening to the Singing Morris Family. Haha.
Found this plate inside of the case when I took it apart. Thought it looked nice here.
With the lid on.
The paint seems to be scratching off a little to easy. (Sad face) Any ideas?
Vintage Audiotronics Educational Turntable.