Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I'm now sitting in the warmth of my fathers SUV. Just moments ago I was standing on the side of the road in 40 degree weather. Why? Might yo
I'm now sitting in the warmth of my fathers SUV. Just moments ago I was standing on the side of the road in 40 degree weather. Why? Might you ask. Well I will tell you why, its because of this stupid car I've been putting all my time and money into because I thought it would be cheaper than just selling it and getting a new one that I would still have to put money into. But I'm now realizing nothing is worth this craziness. I hate that car.


Tiffany said...

dude that sucks. what kind of car is it?

Tiffany said...

if you really put that much money into it ..

then get a new{er} car. for real.

plus, you hate it so whats the point of keeping it.